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[[underlined]] 3:1 [[/underlined]] : in flower # staps.
[[underlined]] 4 vials [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Photo [[/underlined]] : color Ektec. coll # 1 ? begining of the 
_ In secondary  [[?]] with some cocoa plants. ^ [[insertion]] Very [[/insertion]] Small plants in dense clumps near trail. (Looks like a little [[Selmanta?]])
It does not look like an Olyreo. because the growth habit [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] very dense and compact.
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] [[male symbol]] spkl [[/underlined]] : with [[glums?]] and both sexes; gymoeces normal developed with 3 [[stymas?]] [[excected?]].
Mostly all of the infl. in seperated short shoot cores bya ripe leaf blode.
Leaves with white spot probably a diease. Many seedlings were found ([[strikethrough]] Sentrok [[/underlined] within the clumps.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
alt. s.m. man 100 m.
[[underlined]] Diadiolyne ? tecte ap. jaide [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] 2160 [[/underlined]]
at 3.50 p.m.
Wet bulb Tem: [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[degree symbol]] F
Dry bulb Tem : [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] F
% Rel. Humidity : 82 [[strikethrough]] [[degree symbol]] F [[/strikethrough]] %
[[underlined]] Soil Temperat. : 77 [[degree symbol]] F (at 4.30 +-) [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] soil sample [[/underlined]] : n [[degree symbol]] 2 : taken from 2 places, at 0 - 20 mm. 
[[underlined]] Photog [[/underlined]] : roll #4 [[underlined]] bl & w. [[/underlined]] 
with green filters, no tripode (good light).
- [[strikethrough]] vials : seedlings [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] FAA [[/underlined]] : 1 [[fraveo?]] socc : leaves, in flower with attached leaves
[[underlined]] 3 : 1 [[/underlined]] 1 in flower.
[[strikethrough]] 3 vials [[/strikethrough]] z
same area, but in dark places. Small clumps scattered in dark places usually around trees. Plants under layers then