Viewing page 4 of 85

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[[start page]]
[[all text on page handwritten]]

[[column 1 of 3]]
Name of Country | Page[[two columns]] Map | Names
(British) Canada | 21 | 23
Novia Scotia | 27 | 23
Newfoundland | 27 | 23
New Brunswick | 27 | 24
Rest of British America | 16 | 24
Russian | 16 | 24
Maine | 27 | 29
New Hampshire | 27 | 31
Vermont | 27 | 33
Massachusetts | 27 | 35
Rhode Island | 27 | 37
Connecticut | 27 | 39
New York | 45 | 41
New Jersey | 45 | 47
Pennsylvania | 45 | 49
Delaware | 45 | 51
Maryland | 45 | 53
District Columbia | 45 | 57
Virginia | 45 | 55
N. Carolina | 45.63 | 59
S. Carolina | 63 | 65
Georgia | 63 | 67
Florida | 63 | 69
Alabama | 63 | 71

[[column 2 of 3]]
Name of Country | Page [[two columns]] Map | Names
Mississippi | 63 | 73
Louisiana | 63 | 75
Texas | [[strikethrough]] 63 [[/strikethrough]] 84 | 79
Arkansas | 63 | 77
Ind. Territory | 21 | 78
Missouri | 88 | 85
Kansas | 20 | 106
Tennessee | 63 | 81
Kentucky | 89 | 91
Ohio | 89 | 93
Indiana | 89 | 95
Illinois | 89 | 97
Michigan | 107 | 99
Wisconsin | 107 | 101
Iowa | 89 | 103
Minnesota | 21 | 105
Nebraska | 20 | 106
New Mexico | 21 | 109
Utah | 21 | 109
California | 21 | 109 1/2
Oregon | 21 | 109 3/4
Washington | 21 | 110
Mexico | 113 | 113
Central America | 113 | 113
West Indies | 113 | 112
South America | 117 | 115

[[column 3 of 3]]
Name of Country | Page [[two columns]] Map | Names
Norway | 120 | 12[[?]]
Sweden | 120 | 12[[?]]
Denmark | 120 | 121
Great Britain | 123 | 125
Germany | 128 | 129
Switzerland | 128 | 129
France | 131 | 130
Spain | 131 | 130
Portugal | 131 | 130
Italy | 131 | 130
Russia | 133 | 133
Asia | 136 | 137
Africa | 139 | 138

[[end page]]

[[start page]]
^[[G-w]] [[handwritten in top right margin of page]]
[[all other text printed]]


[[two columns]]
[[column 1 of 2]]
1. World Equatorial Projection.
2. World Polar Projection.
3. Antarctic Regions.
4. North America.
5. United States.
6. Gold Region of California.
7. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland.
8. New England States.
9. Vicinity of Boston and Providence.
10. Vicinity of New Haven and Hartford.
11. Middle States.
12. Southern States.
13. State of Texas.
14. Western States.
15. Michigan and Wisconsin.
16. Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies.

[[column 2 of 2]]
17. Isthmus of Nicaragua.
18. Isthmus of Tehuantepeo.
19. South America.
20. Isthmus of Darien.
21. Europe.
22. Great Britain and Ireland.
23. Germany, Switzerland, and Northern Italy.
24. France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy.
25. Greece and the Ionian Islands.
26. Asia.
27, Palestine, or the Holy Land
28. Africa.
29. Egypt.
30. Republic of Liberia.
31. Oceanica.
32. Sandwich, or Hawaiian Islands.

[[two columns]]
[[column 1 of 2]]
1. Statistics of Physical Geography, showing the area of the principal Islands and Lakes, heights of Mountains and Volcanoes, and length of principal Rivers in the world.
2. Extent and Populations of the different countries in the world.
3. Population of the principal cities of the world.
4. Area and Population, Civil and Political Statistics, and Religious Denominations of the United States, in 1850.
[[column 2 of 2]]
5. Agricultural Products, and Manufactures of Cotton, Iron, and Wool, in the United States, by the Census of 1850.
6. Historical and Educational Statistics of the United States.
7. Railroads and Canals in the United States.
8. Population of all the counties of the Eastern, Middle, and Southern States, by the census of 1850.
9. Population of all the counties of the Western States, by the census of 1850.


Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year 1852, by S. Augustus Mitchell, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Curl on top right edge of page makes it difficult to see numbers of first three entries on column 3 of 3