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[[underlined]] Copy Continued [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] 3 [[/underlined]] defraying the expences, we the five undersigned persons are to receive on our return to the City of New York, Three Quarters of all the nett proceeds, of all our earnings during this expedition, the Ballance, One Quarter, to be the property of Mess. Kerr & Clark - [[underlined]] Ninth, [[/underlined]] It is also hereby agreed that we are to gather other valuables than Gold, for the mutual benefit of the whole. We hereby do mutually agree not to work on the Sabbath - [[underlined]] Tenth, [[/underlined]] We the undersigned five Persons do hereby bind ourselves to pay five per cent of our Share of the nett proceeds, of this expedition, to the legal executors or assigns, of any or either of the Party who may die after we shall have Sailed from the Port of New York Said five per cent to be paid out of our Share of the nett proceeds after the Death of any or either of us. The above percentage to be paid after the close or immediately after the amount of each Share is determined [[underlined]] Eleventh [[/underlined]] We hereby authorize Mess. Kerr & Clark to pay a small or necessary part of our Share of whatever funds they may have in their hands to our Families if required by them during our absence in California Given under our hands & Seals this Twentieth day of December One Thousand Eight Hundred & forty Eight - Alexander Van Valen L.S. Mathew Van Siclen L.S. Stephen P Clark L.S. William Byxber L.S. Richard [[I?]] Paulison L.S. Witnessed by Geo H Clark E.J. Hyde