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Incidents of a Voyage from New York to California and the Gold regions, Via Cape Horn, in the year Eighteen Hundred & forty-nine, by Alex Van Valen, Mathew Van Siclen, Stephen P Clark, William Byxbee & Richd J Paulison all of the City of New York. It may not be amiss here to state the cause, and organisation of the above named Company, about the close of the year Eighteen Hundred & forty Eight numerous paragraphs appeared in the different newspapers & Journals published in the City, giving glowing accounts of the large quantities of Gold obtained in California, which were corroborated by many Private communications. the excitement became intense and the Gold Fever as it was called, carried many a deluded wretch away from his family, friends, and sometimes a profitable employment. at first it was considered a delusion, but soon however from accounts almost daily received, and ^[[also]] government dispatches, soon satisfied the People that it was no longer a Humbug, and numerous Companys were organising in diferent parts of the Country, and Vessels freighted with Provisions tools and all the necessarys for a long Voyage to California were almost a daily occurence. The above named persons were selected, and they through the aid of Mess Henry Aken & B S Clark of the City of New York as Capitalists, formed themselves into a Company under the Name and Title of the "California Mutual Gold Mining Company", the result of which will be shown hereafter

Monday Jany 22th 1849.  Left the Port of New York in Bark [[Heinlia?]] Capt Baxter, with 84 Passengers & Crew Bound for San Francisco Cala. 9 AM left Pier C North River in Tow of the Steam Boat Suffolk. proceeded down the Bay in fine Style, when off Staten Island received a Salute of 6 Guns from the Shore, which was returned with hearty cheers from the Ship, when off Sandy Hook after bidding farewell to our friends who