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[[underlined]] 12 [[/underlined]] accompanied us with the Steam Boat. the line was off. Our Sails sett, and we proceeded on our Voyage with a light wind from the North West. half past 3 P.M lost sight of the Highlands of the Neversink in New Jersey, which is the last point of Land visible to vessels going to Sea Tuesday Jany 23d '49. 3 A.M. Cloudy. wind N.W. and the Sea quite rough. the Ship roling very much. the Officers of the Ship discovered last night a Lad stowed away in the forward part of the Ship. he was an English Boy about 16 or 18 Years old. did not learn his name. his feet were badly frozen. from his own account he came on Board Sunday night the 1st Mate Mr. Hopkins intends to make him work his passage before the Mast. We had for Breakfast this morning [[underlined]] Lobscous [[/underlined]], a sort of a stew composed of Salt Beef, Potatoes & Onions. the Pilot Boat Hagstaff which left New York the same day that we did & bound for the Same place via of the Bermudas was not in Sight of us today 12 M. We eat our dinner on Deck to day, which consisted of Stewed Chickens Rice & Molasses. for the Lattitude & Longitude I am indebted to Mr. J. Hopkins the 1st Mate who kindly volunteered to give them to me each day to make this Journal the more interesting it is my intention as far as I can ascertain to give the correct "reckonings" as it is called, and also the Course of the Winds. and the Temperature of the Weather. the later I shall not be able to give at present. the City of New York as they have it on Board the Ship lies in Lat 40°24' North & Long 74° 00'30" West from Greenwich "to day". it must be remembered that the Sea day commences at 12 M we are in Lat 38° 34' North. Long 71° 26' West,. Saw a Schooner to the Westward. supposed to be bound for New York. Sea Gulls quite plenty, which I was surprised to see, as I supposed that they always remained near the Coast but the Mate informed me that they were to be seen on any part of Atlantic Ocean. This