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Vessel is rolling a great deal to day. R.J. Paulisen and M. Van Siclen are somewhat Sea Sick to day. the Weather is most too Cold to be on Deck with comfort. Supper was served up on Deck this evening. Hard Bread, Herring & miserable Tea sweetened with Molasses, composed our meal to night. although coarse and Simple, to me it was quite palatable -

Wednesday Jany 24th '49, Weather a considerable Warmer. Wind North East by East. 8 A M, Rainy. Eat our Breakfast on Deck this morning. the Ship rolling to much to Sett a Table in the Cabin, and there is not sufficient room to Sett the Table there at any time. 12 M Lat 36°58' North ^[[Long]] 67°46" West. We are in the Gulf Stream to day, which is known by the Water being so much warmer, which is nearly blood warm - Saw a large Ship to the Windward supposed to be Bound for New York or Boston. Several of the Passengers are Sea Sick to day. Van Siclen & Paulison are better [[strikethrough]] to day. [[/strikethrough]] one Man belonging to the Whitman Co has been Sick since we Started.

Thursday Jany 25th '49. 6 AM. Weather warm, light Wind from the North West. A clear sky. except a few Clouds about the Horrison. could not see the Sun rise distinctly 8 A.M. Breakfasted on Deck this morning Lobscous & Coffee the Guls were quite numerous this morning some of the Passengers attempted to Shoot some, which attempt proved unsucesful. it requires some dexterity to shoot with precision when the Vessel has much motion. The Water is remarkably clear & has a Blue appearance. 12 M Lat 36°31' North Long 66° 33' West.  the wind has shifted more to the West. Dinner on Deck. Maccaroni Soup & Boiled Potatoes. The Passengers threw off their thick Coats to day. We removed the matting from the floor in our Cabin to day. 4 PM. Rain Squalls. Saw a Beautifull Rainbow, which for Brilliancy of Colour surpassed anything I ever Saw before. Saw a Sail to the Westward supposed to be a Schooner -