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a meeting of the Passengers was convened to take into consideration the Propriety of enlarging the Cooks Galley. his excuse was want of room. and his inability to make the Stove have sufficient Draught, the proposed enlargement was adopted unanimously and the Passenger Carpenters sett to work and mad the Galley about 3 feet wider. and rigged up a Blower, to work by hand-- 12 M Lat 36° 22' North Long 61°32' West. still continues cloudy. the Wind the same as in the morning. Saw a Sail to the Northward but being too far distant to distinguish what she was. Dinner and Supper on Deck--
Sunday Jany 28th '49. 4 A,M. Awoke this morning somewhat frightened. the ship was in a violent motion. the Trunks were tumbling about the Cabin in every direction, with considerable difficulty I got my Clothes on, and made the best of my way to the Decks, on arriving at the door of the Companion way, I discovered that the rain was falling in torrents the wind blowing a Gale from the North. and the Sea running very high, I should think about 20 or 30 feet high. although the violence of the Wind somewhat flattened them, Van Siclen, Paulison, & Clark were all sick again to day, and also many other of the passengers, I endeavoured to remain on Deck as much as possible to day, which was attended with many difficulties, it was impossible to stand up on any part of the Deck without holding fast, and occasionally a Sea Breaking over us, had but little chance to Eat any thing to day. about 3 PM it ceased raining, and the clouds broke away some. but the Wind still continued to blow a gale. we were Scudding along under close reefed "Top Sails" 12 M Lat 36.°8' North. Long 58°37' West. after Sundown the wind moderated some, although a heavy Sea rolling. the danger did not appear half as great on the Deck as it did in the Cabin---