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Monday Jany 29th '49. Weather quite cool, Wind North East, blowing a gale. the water very rough and shipping seas quite often. we passed a very uncomfortable night in the Cabin. the motion of the ship being so quick and violent that we were tossed to and fro first one side and then the other, instead of being rested any. for my part I was very much exhausted. a poor chance for Breakfast this morning, 12 M - Lat 34°25' North. Long 55° 59' West. Wind still blowing fresh from the North East. Dinner on Deck as usual. for Supper we had "soft Tack" as it is called, or Warm Biscuit with Tea sweetened with molasses. a very small supply of such as it was. the Passengers are becoming incensed at the usage they receive it was resolved by the Passengers in the After Cabin to divide themselves into Messes, for the better convenience of Eating their meals. our Cabin was divided into 3 Messes, the mess that our Company were in, consisted of 13 Persons - Van Siclen is better to night -

Tuesday Jany 30th '49. 6 AM. Weather clear. light Wind, almost a Calm. Breakfast on Deck, which consisted of Boiled Codfish & Potatoes most miserably prepared & some Coffee. we have had the poorest Coffee I ever drank in my life, full of dregs sweetened with Molasses & then served up in Tin Cups. Van Siclen is quite well this morning and thinks he should not like to be Sea Sick again. The Gale on Sunday turned up a number of the Passengers some of which had boasted they were not to be Sick. for my part I have not been sick yet, and I begin to flatter myself that I shall not be Sea Sick during the Voyage. 12 M Lat 34° 23' North Long 54° 28' West, Cloudy. Wind West, SouthWest blowing about a 9 knot breze. dinner on Deck Beef Soup thickened wth Barley a miserable dirty dish. Roat Turkey which was spoiled before cooking composed our dinner to day. they threw the "Log