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Line" as it is called. 3 different times this afternoon. at 4, 6 & 8 PM. the result was first 8 1/2, 10, & 12 knots, or Miles per hour. the Evening was clear and Beautifull the moon was Shining bright, the Sea not very rough and the Ship was sailing along pretty fast-
Wednesday Jany 31 '49. 2 AM. the Wind blowing fresh from the West and Squally and going about 10 knots an hour I came to the conclusion to remain on Deck the rest of the night. 7 AM Saw a Rainbow as the Old saying a "Rainbow in the morning, the Sailors take Warning" which if true we must expect bad Weather to day. We Eat our Breakfast on Deck Codfish & Potatoes warmed up. Mush & Molasses, and Some Coffee. the Wind continued strong and the weather Squally. and we were Scudding along at the rate of 10 to 12 knots the hour under double reefed Sails. 12 M Lat 34° 26' North, Long 51° 21 West. Dinner on Deck. we made a table to day of the sail on the Bulwarks, to the windward, Pork & Beef and Pea Soup. and for desert we had a tremendious Sea break over us, which swept the board, and gave us all a good ducking. Paulison in particular. Supper on Deck of Soft Tack. there was some 25 or 30 Turkeys thrown overboard this morning. Spoiled through neglect of the Stewards
Thursday Feby 1st '49. 6 A.M. Rain falling in torrents Wind North East and moderate. Breakfast in the Cabin. Lobscous & Coffee. could not relish it. was obliged to resort to my private Stores for a Breakfast. 9 AM the clouds broke away and the Sun Broke through at intervals. 12 M Lat 34° 19' North Long 48° 20' West. eat our dinner on Deck. Boiled Beef, Pork & Duff. 2 PM the wind continued to increase untill the present time, when it began to blow a perfect Gale, harder than at any previous time during the passage. the rain pouring down
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