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in torrents at intervals. shipped a great deal of water in the cabin this afternoon. the Gale continued untill about 9 PM when it gradually subsided, and the Moon broke through. the Sea running higher 

Friday Feby 2nd '49-- 6 A.M. Cloudy. Wind North East blowing a moderate breeze. Breakfast on Deck. Fried Ham, Potatoes, Mush & Molasses. 11 A.M. Saw a large full rigged Ship astern of us, supposed to be bound for New Orleans, did not get within Speaking distance, 12 M Lat 34° 23' Long 44° 15' West Dinner and Supper on Deck as usual. the evening was unusually pleasant and fine, and the passengers took the advantage of the weather and amused themselves in performing various gymnastic feats among the rigging -

Saturday Feby 3d 1849. 7 A.M. clear, and the morning Beautiful, very little wind, enjoyed the best nights rest last night since we have been out. the Vessel did not roll as much as usual, and was more on her keel. after dispatching the mornings meal of which I ate but little, we commenced making our Tent. The day was fine, and the passengers who had by this time become somewhat acquainted with each other, and many who had been confined below from Sea Sickness, were enabled to resume their places, with their Companions on Deck, and participate in the Sports and enjoyments of the day, which were intersperced with Music, Singing, Dancing, Boxing &c 12 M Lat 32° 53' N Long 43° 18'W. Dinner was dispatched without much ceremony or Hardship as usual. we were Sailing directly before the Wind, which continued fair, and were Sailing about the rate of 8 Miles an hour. The sky was clear, not a spec dotted the Horrison. the Sea was quite smooth, which altogether rendered the day unusually fine. 5 P.M. Supper was announced, which consisted one half of a "Soft Tack" each. and some miserable chicken