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[[underlined]] 21 [[/underlined]] which we had been accustomed to have. The Passengers gave 3 hearty cheers, and 3 more for the new Steward Elect. 12 M Lat 31° 23' N Long 34° 21' W. the Wind continued fresh , & a little Squally. the Evening was clear and Beautiful and the Moon being full, presented a lively scene on the Waters- Wednesday Feby 7th 1849 - Weather mild & clear with the exceptions of a few flying clouds. The wind blowing a good breeze from the North East. 12 M Lat 29° 54' Log 30° 40' W We had what the Sailers term a good "[[underlined]] Wholesale Breze [[/underlined]]" all day. & have been Sailing about the rate of 10 miles an hour. Thursday Feby 8th 1849. Weather Mild & Clear. Wind North East by East. Saw a Singlular looking Water fowl this morning, called a [[underlined]] "Line Bird" [[/underlined]] it was of a grey or nearly a White colour, and a trifle larger than a Sea Gull. it had 2 Feathers protruding from its Tail, about 12 or 15 inches in length, and gave it a very odd appearance 12 M Lat 27° 14' N Long 30° 33 W. Friday Feby 9th 1849 - 1 A.M. could not rest verry well in the Cabin last night. a Moderate Wind throws the Vessel over on her Sides. and rendering it impossible for two to occupy one berth with comfort. Weather fine. a little cloudy. Wind North East, and continued to increase untill daylight, when it had arrived to that pitch when our Sensitive little Bark, feeling the pressure of the breeze, against her wide spreading Canvass - yielded to the force, and went dashing & foaming through the Water like a "Thing of Life", The Vessel is pronounced by good judges, (of which we have a number on board, who are experienced and competent persons) that she is an excellent and Safe Sea Boat, and a fast Sailor. And too much Praise cannot be awarded to Capt Baxter and his Offices. for their Gentlemanly deportment. and their untiring exertions to promote the Comforts and conveniences of their Passengers. they crave not that Haughty Tyranical disposition
Transcription Notes:
Liver bird - like cormorant
Really doesn't look like it is written that way