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[[underlined]] Feby 10th 1849 [[/underlined]]

as we Landsmen. have been led to believe exists among the Commanders of Vessels, even the lowest Sailers receive that attention and respect which is due them. The Capt and his Officers participate & join in the sports & revealries with the Passengers, but at the same time when ^[[it is necessary]], their authority is regarded, and they are sure to find a ready and willing help in time of need. As the Passengers can boast of more Sailors than the ship can. 12 M Lat 24° 30' N Long 29° 30' W The Wind continues fair. the passengers becoming tired of the inactivity, so common on Shipboard, seize every opportunity that is offered to amuse themselves, all being aware that exercise is necessary for their health, consequently it requires but little exertion to raise a breeze - sometimes a Hat or some other article of clothing is seised form an unsuspecting one who chances to find an easy position to sit or recline, a chase about the ship & through the rigging is the result, another pleasant day has passed. that is far as a good breeze, [[strikethrough]]fair [[/strikethrough]]Weather and a pleasant Company can contribute -

Saturday Feby 10th. 1849. 6 AM. Weather mild. Wind North East We are now within the Tropics. the temperature of the Weather about the Same as the Month of May in New York. a soft Summer Sky, a little hazy about the Horrison. We have now caught the North East Trade Winds, which was the object of steering so far to the Eastward, so as to take the advantage of those Winds which will probaly carry us to the Line, far enough to the East, so as to Weather Cape St. Rogue on the Coast of South America, Our Course is altered more to the Southward now, we have made a good run for the last 24 hours, and there is now every prospect of a Speedy passage to St. Catharines, which place is the Topic of conversation and all are eager to See & partake of some of the delicious fruits, that are represented to grow there. Lat 21°44' N Long 28° 00 W

Sunday Feby 11th 1849. arose this morning with a very bad headache, was Sick most of the night. the Weather was mild & Clear - Wind North East, Saw a great many flying fish this morning, which was the first I ever