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[[underlined]] 23 [[/underlined]]
saw, some of which were quite near the Ship. the day was fine and I remained below most of the time Lat 18°44' N Long 26°45' W

Monday Feby 12th 1849. 6 am. cloudy, light wind from the North East almost a Calm, found a flying fish on the Deck this morning. it was about 6 inch long an resembled the colour & shape of a Mackerel. 12 M Lat 16°09' N Long 25° 37' W. The Wind gradually increasing, with occasional Rain Squalls. We are now near the Cape De Verd Islands, & only a few Hundred miles from the Coast of Africa. 7 PM the wind had increased to a fine breeze from the North East, and we were dashing through the Water at the rate of 11 Miles an hour. about 9 PM a Vessel was discovered crossing our Bows and quite near to us she made a "Tack" evidently for the purpose of Speaking us, but some of the Passengers became overexcited with joy ^[[insertion]] at the sight of a Vessel [[/insertion]], that they involuntarily gave 3 hearty cheers, which frightened away the goodly intentions of the Stranger. she immediately [[underlined]] "Tacked" "Ship" [[/underlined]] and in a few moments a wide space was left between us and the unknown one, when about one mile distant, she hoisted a Signal light, which was returned from our Ship. A frolic once began is not easy ended, especially on this Craft. a part of the passengers were bound to have a regular Spree. they had succeeded effectually in driving a Ship away, and after despatching a few Demijohns of Brandy & some other Liquers, they were sufficiently prepared to drive dull care away. they were allowed to enjoy their frolic by the Officers of the Ship untill a late hour in the Morning

Tuesday Feby 13th 1849. 7 AM. Weather mild. Some Cloudy. Wind North East blowing a good breeze, the general appearance of the crowd this morning especially those that participated in the revelry of last night, was not very Captivating, and the day passed away rather dull and heavy. 12 M Lat 13°17' North. Long 23°12' West. in regard to our Meals now, we have a regular Bill of Fare daily, and the same as the

Transcription Notes:
Monday Entry- Crossing looks like it should be {croping} our Bows. A double 's' is written like this. Transcription Centre has told me to do insertions as follows [[insertion]] text [[/insertion]] as ^[[text]] indicates handwritten text in typed text