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at mid day is insufferably hot. 12M Lat 5° 18' North Long 25° 00' West. while we were eating dinner the joyful sound of "Sail ho" was heard. upon looking in the direction pointed to me, I could discern a Sail astern of us. and apparently going in the Same direction that we were & following in our wake about 6 miles distant. various conjectures were afloat as to what she was & where she was bound. the most natural Supposition was however that she was Bound for California, at Sun down she was still farther astern of us. the Wind has been very light all day.

Saturday Feby 17. 1849. 6 A M. Weather warm & clear the Morning was beautiful. the Vessel roling considerable owing to a heavy ground swell. & the Sails flapping against the rigging for the first time since we left New York. the Surface of the Water was as smooth as a Mirror. the Sail we Saw Yesterday is still in Sight again this morning, but not sufficiently near to discern what she was, being "head on" as the Sailers term it. it was impossible to tell whether it was a Bark or a Ship. 12 M Lat 4° 13' North Long 24° 50' West.

Sunday Feby 18, 1849. 7 AM. Cloudy with some rain light wind. the Vessel that has followed us for the last two days is somewhat nearer to day, and with the aid of a Glass we could make out that she was a Bark a little smaller than our own. Several Porposes were playing about the Ship to day. the Captain Struck at one & Broke his Harpoon. 12 N Lat 3° 03' North Long 24° 30' West. We had a fine Shower of Rain this afternoon. the passengers succeeded in saving one or two Casks, for washing Clothes. 7 PM. Saw a Sail off the Larboard Quarter, quite near & bound Northward. made an attempt to Speak her which proved unsuccessful -

Transcription Notes:
Sunday entry should read Glap not Glass - 4th line down. Glass is correct. It's the manner of writing the first S as an F. This is Glass, as in telescope.