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[[underlined]] 30 [[/underlined]] commenced this afternoon to Wash down as they called it, which is done by Dashing Buckets of Water on each other. & those that complained the hardest got the worst of it. some concealed themselves in their berths, some ascended the Rigging, thinking to avoid the storm. but it was no use what could not be got at in one way, had to take it another. The Captain upon coming out of the Cabin was introduced into the Ceremonies of the day by receiving a Bucket of Water in his face. 12 M Lat 0°, 47' North Long 25° 21' West - Tuesday Feby 27th 1849 - Weather clear & Warm. light Wind from the South East. Saw a Sail astern of us this morning. Saw a great number of Porposes Black Fish, & Dolphin playing about the Ship to day. 12 M. Lat __° __' Long 25° 42' West. rather a singular coincidence that we had not Lattidude to day. we were directly upon the Equatorial Line, an instance probaly that very Seldom occurs in the afternoon we had a small shower of Rain - Wednesday Feby 28th 1849. 6 AM. Weather warm and clear. Wind South East, last night a large number of Porposes & Black Fish some of which were quite large and verry near the Ship in the Stillness of the night we could hear them puff & Snort verry distinctly & resembled the snorting of a Grove of Hogs, the night was verry dark, and their swift motion through the Water with the Back fin above the Water, leavig a line or Liquid fire behind them - the Dog belonging to S.P. Clark began to run & play a little something that was quite unusual for him. the cry was raised Mad Dog. and nothing would appease the cry of the Passengers except the Life of the Animal, and we were obliged to throw him overboard.