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[[underlined]] 32 [[/underlined]]
Friday March 2nd 1849. 6 A M. Weather a little Cooler and quite pleasant. Wind South East, Saw a Sail to the Leaward going in the Same direction that we are. A Sea Voyage is getting to be rather an old Story there is nothing occurs worthy of Note except on Ship Board, and that ceases to be any longer attractive the Passengers are generally collected about the Decks in small Companies, some amusing themselves in Playing Cards, Back Gammon or some other pleasant recreation. Some Reading, some Writing, Some practising upon some Musical instrument. in Speaking of Music there are instruments enough on Board to make up a good Band if they had a notion to join together. the general Topic of Conversation at present, is St Catharines which place we are rapidly approaching, and where it is the intention of the Captain to stop at in Order to obtain fresh Water Provisions, and to put in more Ballast. 12 M Lat 5° 55' South Long 30° 54' West. the Wind continues fair and the Weather fine, & we are Sailing at the rate of 8 or 10 Miles an hour. Saw a ship to the Leaward bound North, about 10 PM I was aroused from my sleep by the cry of "Sail ho"! which sound will arouse the Passengers sooner than anything else, on repairing to the Deck I discovered a large Ship to the Windward and very near, Steering North. it was the general supposition that it was a Whale Ship homeward Bound, in order to portray the emotions and feelings of a large number of Passengers at Sea, I know of no Language stronger than the following lines, the author of which I am not able to name -
    [[underlined]] Ship A hoy [[/underlined]]
"When oer the Silent Seas alone
For days and nights we'eve cheerless gone
Oh! they who've felt it, knows how sweet
Some sunny Morn a [[underlined]] Sail [[/underlined]] to meet