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33 "Sparkling on Deck is every eye Ship A hoy! Ship Ahoy! our joyful cry. When answering back we faintly hear Ship A hoy! Ship A hoy! What cheer! what cheer! Now Sails aback we nearer come Kind words are Said of Friends and Home Back soon, too soon, we part in pain To Sail o'er Silent Seas again." Saturday March 3rd 1849. Weather mild and clear Wind South East, Saw a Sail ahead of us, 12 M Lat 8° 36' South Long 31° 57' West, we were directly underneath the Sun to day at noon, which created quite an amusing Scene among the Passengers, in trying to make a Shadow. Some of which it was said was too thin to make a Shadow, nothing else of importance occurred during the remainder of the day worthy of Note-- Sunday March 4th 1849. 6 AM. Weather warm, and the Sun rose bright & clear, the morning was extremely Beautiful and lovely, and every prospect of a fine day. the morning was chiefly spent in reading, and I am Sorry to say that there are a few who appear to have no regard for the Sabbath. I think I never saw among so few, as there are congregated on Board of this ship, such a large number of Men so devoid of Morals, and so much low Vulgar Language, and profanity, as there is made use of by some of the Passengers. 12 M Lat 10° 58' South Long 32° 41' West. in the afternoon the Passengers assembled together again for religious worship. They were addressed by a Mr King from Providence R.I. The discourse was strongly tinctured with "Millerism", which doctrine did not altogether agree with the majority of the Passengers the weather continued fair, and we were Sailing at the rate of 8 or 9 Miles an hour.