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Monday March 5th 1849. Weather Mild & Clear Wind South East. Saw two Sails one to the Leaward and the other to the Windward 12 M Lat 13° 52' South Long 33° 42' West -  to day I suppose we have a new President in the United States in the Personage of Genl Zachary Taylor, the Hero of Buena Vista. Some arguments arose as to whether he was inaugurated Yesterday the 4th which was the time appointed, which happened to be Sunday, or whether it was postponed until to day. Some Bets were made I believe in regard to it -

Tuesday March 6th 1849 - Weather Mild & Clear. Wind South East, blowing a moderate breeze. 12 M Lat 16° 20' South Long 34° 20' West.

Wednesday March 7th 1849. Weather Mild, with some Rain squalls. Saw a Beautiful Rainbow this morning 12 M Lat 18° 37' South long 35° 09' West.

Thursday March 8th 1849 - 6 A M. Weather Warm and Clear. Wind light from the North East 12 M Lat 20° 31' Long 36° 54' West. Saw a Brig to the Leaward bound Northward, one of the Passengers Harpooned a Fish called the [[underlined]] "Bonetee" [[/underlined]] a Portuguese word signifying good it was a Beautiful Fish somewhat larger than a Shad, and resembled it verry much in flavor. There was an Eclipse of the Moon to night.

Friday March 9, 1849 - Weather Mild & Clear. Wind North East, 12 M Lat 22° 17' South. Long 38° 05' West. Saw a Bark steering North. Exchanged Signals with her. she hoisted a Russian Flag, in the evening we saw two more Vessels. all going Northward.

Saturday March 10th 1849. Clear. Wind North East going about 10 Miles an hour. 12 M Lat 23° 56' South Long 40° 05' West.