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degree, such disappointment as was depicted upon each countenance, at the reception of the news in regard to quarantine regulations, is better viewed than described. But a few moments before and all on board, had anticipated the pleasure of Sitting their feet once more upon land faces were shaved, some of which for the first time since leaving New York. Boots were brushed up Clothes cleaned, and in fact everything underwent a thorough change, some had made up their minds to remain on Shore during the night and enjoy a comfortable repose in a comfortable bed, arise early the next morning and take a ramble among the Orange groves and inhale the sweet perfume of its blossoms, listen to the sweet music of the gay Birds, the prattling of the gaudy coloured Parrots, the chattering of the mischievous Monkeys, and partake of some of the luscious fruits- &c all of which we had fancied in our imagination existed in this Paradise beneath a Tropical Sun, but it seems that we were once more to be the victims of a bitter disappointment, it was about at 5 P M when we dropt anchor, making the passage from New York to this place in 54 days, St Catharines lies in Lat 27° 22' South Long 48° 35' West - I retired to bed rather early to night and enjoyed a good nights rest. the Ship lying tolerably quiet at Anchor, arose quite early the next morning to enjoy the prospect which surrounded us, and which the shades of the evening before to soon dispelled from our view, one would think for a person who had not seen land for 55 days that barren Sands and craggy rocks would be a feast to the eye. and so it would, but the