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Thursday April 5th 1849. Cloudy. Wind North East. Saw a Vessel astern of us bearing to the Westward. 12 M Lat 33° 49' South Long 47° 36' West.

Friday April 6th 1849. Weather warm, and Clear Wind South East 12 M Lat 35° 05' South Long 48° 49' West

Saturday April 7th 1849 - Cloudy with the appearance of Rain. Wind Variable. Lat 35° 35' South Long 48° 47' West -

Sunday April 8th 1849 - Weather Cool and clear no winds Saw a number of Fin back Whale to day. Lat 35° 54' South. Long 48° 12' West

Monday April 9th 1849 - Clear, light wind from the South East. Caught a Sun Fish to day by means of a Harpoon. it weighed I should think about 700 or 800 lbs. it is a huge worthless fish scarcely ever taken except for Sport although some of the Oil extracted from some parts of it is good for medical purposes Lat 35° 56' South. Long 48° 18' West -

Tuesday Apl 10th 1849. Weather Cool and clear. Wind South East, 12 M Lat 36° 16' south. Long 48° 48 West. Caught another Sun fish this afternoon. the Wind has all died away, and the Sea is as Smooth as a Duck pond - we are now in what is called the [[underlined]] Horse [[/underlined]] Lattitudes so named by the English Traders who were in the habit of sending Horses to the East Indies and when they came in theese Lattitudes they would get becalmed and loose large numbers of their Horses,

Wednesday April 11th 1849 - Clear, Wind light Saw a Sail astern of us. Lat 36° 09' South Long 50° 20' West -