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wake, as it sparkled and curled in playful eddies from her Stern, and cast a thought on friends and objects left behind, the pleasures of memory how varied they are, how inestimable are the faculties by which we can enjoy again former pleasures and happy unions of the past. I sometimes think that pleasures retrospective are purer than those of anticipation or realisation. "How grand is the power of thought! My God, how great it is." Lat 25°20' South Long
82°40' West

Friday June 8th 1849. Cloudy wind variable and light. Lat 25°00' South Long 83°00' West

Saturday June 9th 1849 Weather fair, winds variable and light. Among the numerous beautiful sights at Sea a sun set deserves some attention. A clear bright Sun set at Sea is one of the most beautiful scenes immaginable, it is one of the most glorious sights I ever beheld. The whole western sky was illuminated with the most gorgeous colours. The refulgent Sun slowly sinking into the liquid blue. untill nearly immersed. sank at once. and a dark mist shot upward in his pathway to the clouds which still retained their variegated tints. The whole scene was sublimely beautiful. The gentle Sea breeze and the graceful rocking of the Ship contributed to the effect. At such a moment how sweet is the thoughts of Home and pleasures we long to share with loved ones left behind. These alluring reflections filled me with a joyful enthusiasm and produced a complete reaction in my whole feelings which harmonised well with the changing scenes of daylight to darkness but which at length led me in a vein of Melancholy. The thoughts of home and