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[[underlined]] 78 [[/underlined]]
Sunday  Augt 5th '49.  Cloudy.  Wind North by West.

Monday  Augt 6th '49.  Cloudy in the morning, about 12 M. it cleared away with a strong breeze from the North West. Sett all our Studding Sails and our little Bark went dashing along in her accustomed style, as if weary of protracting the Voyager any longer.

Tuesday  Augt 7th '49.  Cloudy and Foggy this morning. Wind light from the North West.  This foggy weather denotes Land near at hand, and we all predicted, soon to see the Shores of the long sought for "El Dorado" -

Wednesday  Augt 8th '49.  Cloudy and foggy.  Wind North West.  Saw several vessels this morning.  About 2 p.m. the more than joyfull sound of "Land ho" was heard which resounded again and again from stem to stern till all joined in the welcome chorus "[[underlined]] Land ho. [[/underlined]]". The Shores and Golden Mountains of California were directly ahead of us, we approached near the Coast and from observations etc. we were to the  Northward of the entrance to the Harbour, we sailed down the Coast till night when the weather became thick and foggy again, it was deemed imprudent to proceed any farther, and dropt anchor -

Thursday  Augt 9th  '49.  The Weather was somewhat thick and foggy again this morning, about 6 A M we weighed Anchor again and stood for the Mouth of the Harbor which appeared about 14 Miles distant. The passengers all forgot their daily allowance of Water this morning and the Mate neglected to secure the Scuttlebutt so we had free trade and no monopoly, but the scenery which the Coast presented to our eager eyes, prevented a too free indulgence of it, we had forgotten our former hardships and privations in anticipation of speedily arriving at the Port of our destination.  About 12 M we had the

Transcription Notes:
(What looks like an 's' in breeze is actually the way a 'z' was written.)