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pleasure of seeing the [[underlined]] Old Anchor [[/underlined]] once more descend from the Bows and make sure her fastenings. and the Vessel safely moored in the Harbour, and in front of the long-looked-for City of San Francisco. My first Business was to repair to the Post Office for Letters. we had been absent from our homes nearly 7 months and received no tidings from there in the meantime. I found the Post Office without much difficulty and procured a bountifull supply of Letters for myself and Company. We made the passage from Valparaiso in 74 days. The distance sailed was 7909 miles. Whole number of days from New York including stoppages at St Catharines and Valparaiso 199 days. Whole distance Sailed between New York and San Francisco 20579 Miles. Whole number of Sailing days 181. the passage from the Sea to the Harbour is a narrow chanel, about 1 mile wide in the narrowest part, and 5 Miles long. The entrance is but a small gap. and presents more of the appearance of a narrow mountain pass. The channel could with a little trouble be strongly fortified, and made the Gibralter of America, The Harbour of San Francisco is one of the finest in the World. between the western shore of the Bay of San Francisco and the Sea, is a low range of Mountains or rugged Hills, some of which uprise to the heights of several hundred feet. This Coast range as it is called forms a noble barrier to protect the Bay and Shipping in the Harbour, from the strong North West winds that prevail on this Coast. The City of San Francisco is situated on the West shore of the Bay which bears the same name. and at the entrance from the Sea. It is built upon an elevated position and commands a fine view of the Harbour, along distance up