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[[underlined]] 80 [[/underlined]]

and down the Bay, and also a large portion of the beautifull slope that skirts the Eastern shore of the Bay. The City is regularly laid out into Streets and Squares. [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] it is yet in its infant State. but few well constructed buildings adorn its beautifull and commanding position in its rapid growth and in the absence of better material, Tents and Frames covered with canvass supply the place of more substantial structures for dwellings and stores. and I taking a view of this unparelleld rapid growing City. The thousands of tons of Shipping swinging idly to and fro, at their moorings in the Harbour. one cannot help but indulge in wild speculations as to the future developments of what has allready begun under auspices so favourable for commercial wealth and greatness. and must attain that high and commanding position which is her destiny. The Soil near the Water is a hard clayey substance, farther back it is rich and loamy well adapted for gardening or other purposes. The Water is bad. The most of it being impregnated with an alkali or mineral substance, and has a copperish disagreeable taste. The climate is mild and of an even temperature. The City ^[[insertion]] in summer [[/insertion]] is cooled by a fine breeze which setts in regularly about Noon each day, and continues till Sun down from the North West. during the dry or Summer Season. Rains and dews are seldom and of rare occurrence. during the Winter Season the prevailing Winds are South East, which bring it rains and fogs. the North and East Winds which are seldom are generally cold and usually accompanied with squalls of hail and Snow,
The population at present is variously estimated