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                               New York to San Francisco
Abstract of Distances Sailed daily on the passage from
Date     Miles               Remarks
July ~   18345   Whole number of sailing days from
 "   20     81   New York to St Cathairines 54. Distance
 "   21     79   Sailed 7567 Miles, remained at St 
 "   22    112   Catharines 16 days. Quarantined during
 "   23    125   that time 6 days. left St Catharines Apl
 "   24    165   2nd. passed the Falkland Islands Apl 19th
 "   25    162   rounded Cape Horn Apl 28th. The first
 "   26    137   Land we saw on the Pacific Coast. was Cape
 "   27    106   St Marie, on the Coast of Chilli. May 20th
 "   28    156   arrived in Valparaiso May 23rd after a 
 "   29     48   passage of 53 days from St Catharines, distance
 "   30     18   sailed between the 2 Ports 6361 Miles.
 "   31     24   remained in Valparaiso 4 days. Left
Augt  1     62   May 27th passed the Islands of St Felix
 "    2     95   & St Ambrose June 1st & 2nd. crossed the
 "    3    175   Line on the Pacific June 26th arrived
 "    4    179   in San Francisco Augt 9th about 12 M
 "    5    173   after a passage of 74 days from Valparaiso
 "    6    157   the distance sailed between the 2 Ports
 "    7     96   7909 Miles, Whole number of Sailing
 "    8     84   days from New York to San Francisco
--------------   181 days. Whole distance Sailed between
         20579   the two above named Ports 20579 Miles.
==============   Whole number of days from New York to 
                 San  Francisco including stoppages at St
                 Catharines & Valparaiso 199 days. Most
                 Eastern extremity Long 23° 25' West, most
                 Southern extremity Lat 59° 01' South. most
                 Western extremity Long 138° 00' West -