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[[underlined]] Pasadena [[/underlined]] her eyes while a hunchback daughter did up her hair & powdered & dressed up with childlike vanity in the small country junction station. From Dolgeville we took the S.P. spur that runs between Los Angeles & Pasadena. Pasadena is more & more surprising the more you go about it. A man in Beaumont with a big ring & worse than no manners said he didn't like Pasadena - "There are too many millionaires there to suit me!" But while you are surprised at the wealth of the place, the handsome houses, many of them gingerbread, ornate - some of them theatrical to the smiling point - Anheuser.[[underlined]] Bush [[/underlined]] terraced gardens etc - your sense of balance - sanity - is pleased by the quiet elegance ^[[insertion]] good taste [[/insertion]] shown by the larger members. The houses of redwood shingles with dark ivy or merely beautiful green lawns - and a thousand others - rest the eye and satisfy the sensibilities. You say Orange Grove Av. Grand Av. Marcugo Av. Madison St. Ford Place. & think you have exhausted the [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Pasadena [[/underlined]] beautiful residence section, but instead of the ugliness and mediocrity you expect as you turn into the side streets, you come upon new streets full of flowers and attractive [[underlined]] houses. [[/underlined]] Sunday morning we spent at the Griswells. In the afternoon we went to Garrauga to call on the Millers. Tuesday, reports written up, we went to Los Angeles to look up maps & barometers & find the type locality of [[underlined]] Perodipus [[/underlined]] - the site of the old town. Not finding Mr. [[Lumuis?]] we went to see Dr. R. G. Stearns. [[margin]] Dr. [[underlined]] Stearns [[/underlined]] [[/margin]] He proved an interesting old man in the reminiscent stage - but with flashes showing breadth of view, human sympathy, & basal rectitude. He showed us his paintings which show a delicate artistic feeling for nature & an intellectual interest in the technique - tho he never had any art training. He has a white beard, keen but kindly brown eyes & a long nose. He spoke of the decency of the mining towns he had known ^ [[insertion]] as opposed to Bret Harts stories [[/insertion]] & of the interest the men took in natural history. His interest is in Berkeley where his associates have been - he worked in the University. He is now writing occasional articles & raising snails with the purpose of