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[[underlined]] Pasadena [[/underlined]]

hates the place (Seattle) & the people. Another special invalid spends time reading novels, going to dine etc. says she is indolent - doesn't like American men - too commercial.
[[margin]] [[underlined]] Mrs. Griswells [[/underlined]] [[/margin]]
After V's return we went to Mrs. Grimswell's to meet some Audubon people & had a big fire in the stone fireplace (Eucalyptus bianelus? [[branches?]]) & ate apples & ^ [[insertion]] ripe [[/insertion]] figs grown on the place.  Another night we were asked to dine at Walter Richardson's, to see the skull of a grizzly he killed in the San Gabriels. The house - a temporary one with burlap backgound for ^ [[insertion]] a stunning [[/insertion]] African zebra skin - queer twisted horns of all sorts of African animals & other interesting skins.  Mr. R. was an electrical engineer in the Kimberly mines & when there was got too active went hunting.
[[margin]] [[underlined]] Richardsons [[/underlined]] [[/margin]] He is a strong faced quiet young fellow whose says little but whose force you feel.  His wife is a sweet faced mother of a 13m boy ^ [[insertion]] a former Kindergartener [[/insertion]] studying up the latest psychology & feeding of infants etc. & leading the simple life.  Her mother - widow of the Bebb of Willow fame.  Their dinner served by Thunoslin on a long mission table with pretty silver & china was an example of simple sensible hospitality.  Tomatoes & lettuce made the table pretty as an interest & 
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[[underlined]] Pasadena [[/underlined]]

a delicious meatloaf & creamed potatoes served with bread & butter & some characteristic California dish was followed by a big dish of sliced peaches & a [[underlined]] big [[/underlined]] silver pitcher of rich cream - cake - all delicious & attractive, & the best touch of all given by the hostess' frank smile when - after a wait between courses - she explained that they had had to wash the plates!
And they had come for us with an automobile & the husband will probably soon retire from business to do the things he cares for most! The wife is a former kindergartener & Hull House worker & a woman with ideal face.  She is interested in trying to get playgrounds started in Pasadena. [[underlined]] 20 boys [[/underlined]] there on probation from the Los Angeles juvenile court make, Many will think, reason ^ [[insertion]] enough [[/insertion]] for playgrounds!
A woman there was showing her son that she did not believe his word - teaching him to lie - She was thinking about his High School course.  She wanted him to take botany instead of zoology. "I hate those squirrey thinks & I don't see any interest or use in studying them" - in the face of the fact that the boy - like most normal boys - had a natural interest in natural history.  On the other hand she was a sensible womanly woman anxious to
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