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[[underline]] Preface. [[/underline]] lv.

ings of deep gratitude and sincere friendship.
   To the diplomatic representatives of the United States in China; to the staff of the Smithsonian Institution here in Washington; to Dr. L.C. Goodrich, head of the Chinese Department at Columbia University; to Dr. Arthur W. Hummel, Chief of the Division of Orientalia at the Library of Congress; to Professor E. K. Smith, of Yenching University; to Dr. H.G. Creel, of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago; to Dr. K.S. Latourette, Professor of Oriental History at Yale University; to Dr. C. Martin Wilbur, in charge of the Dept. of Chinese Archaeology at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago; to the late Dr. V.K. Ting, to Dr. W.H. Wong, and to Dr. Amadeus W. Grabau, all of the Geological Survey of China; to Mr. Owen Lattimore, well known traveler, writer, lecturer, and authority on China and Central Asia and recently appointed by President Roosevelt to be adviser to the Chinese Government; to Mr. Richard C. Rudolph, formerly with the Oriental Institute at Chicago; and to all those other kind friends who have allowed me to impose upon their time and who have extended their help in so many ways, whether in China or in the United States---some of them in both countries---it gives me real pleasure to offer my hearty and lasting acknowledgements.
   A word here in regard to our illustrations. Most of our photographs were taken, and in large part developed, under rough-and-ready field conditions often the reverse of favorable. Many of them, therefore, displayed certain imperfections and shortcomings. Yet they formed a record generally incapable of improvement at any later time.
   In the majority of instances, Mr. Burns A. Stubbs, of the Freer Gallery of Art, has, through the exercise of constant care, personal interest, and skilled technique, been able to eliminate or at least minimize most of the blemishes that appeared in our negatives. Where he found this impos-