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[[underlined]] Chapter III. [[/underlined]]          44.

[[underlined]] The Human Remains. [[/underlined]]
   The only human skeletal remains which we saw [[underlined]] in situ [[/underlined]] were those of the skull already mentioned. [[strikethrough]] (see p. x).  ^[[page 30]] [[/strikethrough]] With the latter, there appears no reason to doubt, the rest of the skeleton had also been found but had been removed before our visit, Along with it, later rumor declared, was a suit of bronze armor overlaid with gold; but of this we neither saw nor heard anything at the time, and the statement, considering the period of the interment, seems inherently improbable. The young officer in charge of the excavation informed us that no other skeletons had been found at that spot. It has since been stated that three were found there, but this appears to be merely exaggerated gossip. As we shall see in a moment, at least one other skeleton seems to have been unearthed in the course of the excavation; but as to its position we could learn nothing.
Dr. C. Li (Li Chi [[2 Chinese characters]]), later of our field staff and now a member of the Academia Sinica, reached the site on October 11th, a little more than a fortnight after the close of our second visit. The results of his investigations there and of his subsequent studies in the laboratory he has set forth in his interesting paper, "The Bones of Sincheng".[[superscript]] (24) [[/superscript]] He there states (p. 14) that he was able to recover
(24) On this paper see [[strikethrough]] p. x, [[/strikethrough]] ^[[page 18,]] note 3. The parenthetical page references in this and the following paragraph are to this paper.
some human bones dug up in the course of the excavations but later reinterred elsewhere in a wooden box. These, he tells us, belonged pretty surely to one individual, a female (pp. 15, 17, 19, 22). The mandible which I extracted from its matrix of earth and the bones that I picked up on the dumps, Dr. Li believes, were likewise those of a single individual, in this instance a male. It should be stated, how- 

Transcription Notes:
Chinese characters need to be added.