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[[underline]] Chapter XII. [[/underline]] 254.

sherds of different type, as well as fragments of roofing-tiles apparently of Ming Dynasty date (1368-1643 A.D.), suggested a considerably later occupation.  Of this, we thought, we might reasonably hope to definite traces; nor were we disappointed.

[[underline]] We uncover the old Outer Wall [[/underline]]
  First we cleared away the layer of top-soil, about half a meter thick, that had been washed down from the somewhat higher slopes to the south.  In this were potsherds, and also numerous pebbles like those previously described (see page 201).  Next, right down to its dry-course or foundation of flat undressed stones already mentioned (page 199), we laid bare a section of the inner face of the earthen wall that I had first discovered.  This we found to be fairly smooth and well-preserved.  It averaged about 1 [[underline]] m. [[/underline]] , 70 [[underline]] cm. [[/underline]] , in height; but when newly built it must have stood somewhat---perhaps considerably---higher than that.  Its original thickness at the base we could not determine [[strikethrough]] ; [[/strikethrough]] ^[[,]] [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] so eroded had the outer (northern) face become and so masked was it nearly everywhere by deeply drifted sand.  It had however sloped slightly inward from bottom to top, doubtless on both sides; the better preserved inner face at least had a decided batter, amounting to about one in twelve.

[[underline]] Remains of an Ancient Building. [[/underline]] 
  Then, at a spot between 2 and 3 meters inside (or south) of the wall, we found, just beneath the half-meter or so of top-soil, the remains of a tiled roof.  This we uncovered for a space of several square meters.  The tiles composing it were of Ming Dynasty type, and lay in regular order, imbricated and overlapping in even ranks, almost as the builders had placed them.  Nowhere did we find evidence of serious disturbance or disorder, such as might have resulted had the build-