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[[underline]] Chapter XVII. [[/underline]] 368.

in regard to promoting the study of the sciences of anthropology and archaeology in China.  He then went on up the river to Hankow, where he hoped to begin his investigations in the Han River valley.  This aim, however, the general disturbance of peaceful conditions, and especially the banditry that had so often interfered with our field-work in the past, once more prevented him from carrying out.  He therefore started north, late in January, 1928, to try to reach southwestern Shansi from the south; but this effort was likewise frustrated by the wellnigh universal fighting and disorder which then prevailed.  He accordingly laid aside for the time being any further attempt at archaeological exploration, and returned to Peking by the same roundabout route that he had had to follow in coming down to the Yangtze valley the previous autumn.
Dr. Li had received instructions, in the event of civil war making field-work impossible, to come to Washington, to make personal contacts with members of the Smithsonian staff and others interested in research in China, and also to familiarize himself as much as possible with the scientific technique of archaeological excavation.  This he now accordingly did.  After a busy and profitable visit to the United States, on Aug. ^[[1]]0th he set out again for China, where he was to endeavor to undertake for the Freer Gallery of Art, in cooperation with the Scientific Research Institute above-mentioned, the excavation of the Shang Dynasty site near Chang-tĂȘ (An-yang), in Honan, which we had already considered some time before.  [[superscript]] (330) [[/superscript]]
[[superscript]] (330) [[/superscript]] Regarding the inception of this enterprise, see pp. 196 [[underline]] sq. [[/underline]] and 207.  In a letter which I wrote to Mr. Lodge on July 9, 1924, I suggested the advisability of our undertaking work on the An-yang site.

[[underline]] Efforts of Mr. Tung. [[/underline]]
Let us now turn our attention for a moment to the work done by Mr. Tung after my departure for the United States.  In the spring of 1927 Dr.