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[[underline ]]MM. Pelliot[[underline]] [[underline]] and Chavannes[[underline]]

Before going to Paris I knew that it was important for me to meet the great Sinologues, MM. Chavannes and Pelliot, in order to get their opinion concerning the policies to be followed by a new school of Archaeology in the Far East, but I had small conception of the value which my acquaintance with these gentlemen would prove, nor did I imagine how lively would be their interest in our career. Beside the specific recommendations which I quote below from MM. Chavannes and Pelliot, many other points came up in my conversations with them which I have embodied in different parts of this report and of which I have taken advantage to form my own conclusions. There were also valuable hints concerning the whereabouts of objects which were worth a visit, and suggestions for travel and intercourse with the Chinese that proved of the greatest service.
[[underline]]VISIT TO[[underline]] [[underline]] M. CHAVANNES[[underline]]
My request for an interview with Professor Edouard Chavannes was answered in the pleasantest possible way by an invitation to his house in Fontenay aux Roses outside Paris. I had several hours of general and particular talk with him and the results were of the first importance for me in the formation of my future plans. His whole attitude was one of helpful interest and desire that our school should take full advantage of his own work and that of other French

Transcription Notes:
8/12/14 notation noting underlining were missing