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16 scholars. I quote from my diary the outlines of this suggestive conversation. "He seemed really interested in the American School in Peking." He considered that little could be accomplished by [[underline]] mere [[/underline]] cooperation with Chinese scholars; the first need was a well equipped Westerner to keep check of work done by Chinese. [[underline]] SCHOOL [[/underline]] [[underline]] LIBRARY [[/underline]] Also he laid much stress on the point that the School should begin at once to accumulate a comprehensive library of Chinese books and of European books on China. He recommended our trying to obtain the services of a young Frenchman, now on the staff of the French School at Hanoi, whom he considered a remarkable scholar. [[underline]] LIBRARY [[/underline]][[underline]] COLLECTOR [[/underline]] But of course had no idea whether we could engage him. [[underline]] CORPUS [[/underline]] [[underline]]INSCRIPTIONUM[[/underline]] When I broached the subject of a[[underline]] "corpus inscriptionum"[[/underline]] for China, he shook his head and said that he had the same idea but had given it up because of the scarcity of European scholars and the unreliability of those in China. When I suggested at first publishing volumes merely of accurate reproductions of texts and inscriptions and l^[[a]]ter, by degrees, adding the supplementary translations and commentary when that became possible--he became enthusiastic. [[underline]] COLLECTION OF[[/underline]][[underline]] RUBBINGS FROM[[/underline]][[underline]] INSCRIPTIONS[[/underline]] In this connection he spoke of the value of reproducing old rubbings of Sung and Ming times made from stones now less legible.
Transcription Notes:
It looks like the all-cap/underlined words are the subtitles but written in separate lines. I think they should be together in one line in the beginning of the paragraphs but I left them as they are originally written line by line.
8/12/14 - made changes based on other pages read