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[[underline]]T'UNG [[/underline]][[underline]]HUAN [[/underline]] While they were not so numerous nor so adequately 
[[underline]]FINDS [[/underline]] mounted and preserved as those brought from the 
same place by Stein and exhibited at the British Museum, they were of the same general character and as well worth study. On the whole this group of material contained a larger proportion of paintings in the style which is chiefly valuable for arch^[[a]]eological purposes than that in the British Museum.  Like those which I examined at the British Museum, they com-
prised paintings, painted banners, examples of textiles in silk, cotton, hemp, etc., patterns stenciled, dyed, knot-dyed, embroidered and in tapestry, bits of fresco and of stucco relief sculpture, both colored and uncolored, and some wood carving.
[[underline]]EARLY[[/underline]] I was interested in seeing the incised stone
[[underline]]INCISED[[/underline]] evidently belonging to the same set with those two
[[underline]]STONES[[/underline]] at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and the ones at Cologne in the Fischer collection all of which were brought from the same dealer in Paris, and of which nothing is known. I am at a loss to ascribe date or [[underline]]provenance[[/underline]] to them or even to find in them the hint of Japanese workmanship suggested by M. Pelliot.
[[underline]]CERNUSHI[[/underline]] I had been called to Paris earlier than I had
[[underline]]MUSEUM[[/underline]] expected by a cable to London telling me that the important exhibition of ^Budd[[h]]ist art at the Musée Municipal Cernuschi (1) was shortly to be dispersed.
This loan exhibit was organized mainly from the collec-
tions of Oriental art in Paris, and comprise a large number
(1) Catalogue ^Sommaire[[;]] Goloubew & de Tizac
Ars Asiatica, vols 1 and 2
L'Art Décoratif, No. 192, June 1913
Art Bouddhique a la 4me, Expos. des Arts de l'Asie (Orient. Arch. Jahr. III Heft 4)