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Americans in the Chinese language--the requirements in which are becoming increasingly rigid.
[[underlined]]WUCHANG[[/underlined] Later the Bishop took me across the river to visit an interesting stone [[underlined]]stupa[[/underlined]], all that remains of an ancient building known as the "Yellow Stork Tower" which was destroyed a dozen years ago, and of which he did not know the date. The form of this [[underlined]]stupa[[/underlined]] and some badly effaced relief sculptures, recalled the workmanship of the T'ang dynasty, and I later learned that according to one attribution the tower had been erected under the Liang dynasty (A.D. 502-557). Another tradition relates that the [[underlined]]stupa[[/underlined]] was built as late as the Yuan dynasty on the site of an earlier one. The place where it stands, overlooking the river, has been celebrated by Sung and T'ang poets as a spot of remarkable beauty. In a temple nearby is a copy of the famous Liu tablet written in characters of the Chow period. 
The same day I visited Boone University in Wuchang. The President, Dr. Jackson, showed me an undecorated bronze mirror with a scalloped edge, which had been taken from one of two graves uncovered by workmen on the University grounds, and a small bottle of whitish porcelain of underterminable age. The Chinese tradition is to the effect that nobody has been permitted burial within the city walls since the Sung dynasty.
The graves themselves had unfortunately been emptied and filled with rocks before my arrival. A sample of the bricks from one of the graves was of a finer clay and workmanship than any before examined by me. Its measurements were: cm. 23.4 X cm. 8.5 (to 9.2) X cm. 2.9 (to 3.3).