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09.252 Opuntia 9310 1 "Collected by R. K. Beattie at request of C.V. Piper on Waldron Island, San Juan Co., [[underlined]] Washington. [[/underlined]]" Aug. , '09. [[line across pages]] 09.253 Hylocereus* 3 E.D. Merrill, Manila, [[underlined]] P.I. [[/underlined]] Aug. 09. [[line across pages]] 09.254 Rhipsalis cassytha 1 Aug.6, 09 09.255 Hylocereus triangularis 1 Mrs. D.D. Gaillard [[underlined]] Canal Zone [[/underlined]] 09.256 [[strikethrough]] Phyllocactus [[/strikethrough]] Epiphyllum Gaillardae 1 [[line across pages]] 09.257 Opuntia ballii Rose. 2 C.R. Ball, Pecos, [[underlined]] Texas [[/underlined]] #1506 Aug. 16, '09 [[line across pages]] 09.258 Opuntia kuntzii Rose 1 Dr Carl Lumholts, Brownell, Pima Co., [[underlined]] Arizona. [[/underlined]] Aug. '09 09.259 Anacardium (seeds) (Seed died 11/09) 3 Dr. G. B. Wilcox, [[underlined]] Mexico [[/underlined]] Aug. '09 09.260 (seeds) (Seed died 10/6/'09) 3 " "