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09.321 Opuntia 2. 9366 [[underlined]] Texas [[/underlined]] - Plainview C.R. Ball #1562 Sept. 16, '09

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09.322 Opuntia 1 9367 [[underlined]] Alabama. [[/underlined]] West of Montgomery F.E. Lloyd Sept. 21, '09

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09.323 [[strikethrough]] Phyllocactus [[/strikethrough]] Epiphyllum crenatum 1 [[check mark]] From Harry Bullen In cultivation Jun 1909

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09.324 Erythrina 9 9375 [[underlined]] Canal Zone [[/underlined]] Empire D.D. Gaillard = 09.87 [[underlined]] 3 seeds [[/underlined]] Sept. 18, '09

09.325 Mucuna "A" "ojo de venado" (See letter of 9/18/09)
"Vine growing in low ground" [[underlined]] 2 seeds [[/underlined]]

09.326 [[strikethrough]] Entada [[/strikethrough]] Mucuna ? (Dead, Nov. 09) "B" [[strikethrough]] "Entada" [[/strikethrough]] "also from vine in low ground" [[underlined]] 2 seeds [[/underlined]]

09.327 Anacardium "C" "MaraƱon" or "cashew"  [[underlined]] 2 seeds [[/underlined]]

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09.328 Echinocereus pectinatus? 1 9376 [[underlined]] Texas. [[/underlined]] Dalhart. [[strikethrough]] C. [[/strikethrough]] C.R. Ball 1571. (See letter of 9.27.09) Sept. 24, '09

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09.329 Opuntia macrorhiza 9378 [[underlined]] Missouri [[/underlined]], Joplin, Jasper Co. E.J. Palmer. Sept. 27, '09