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13.42 Echinocactus 2 10427 [[underlined]] Mexico [[/underlined]], Oaxaca, Cerros de Sabina Cruz. C. Congatti 151 [[superscript]] a [[/superscript]] Jan. 22, '13

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13.43 Opuntia 1 10428 ([[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Texas [[/underlined]], Dallas) [[/strikethrough]] "This Opuntia was found in a mudhole full of water, near New Orleans, La. The branches are 3 - 4 ft. high, most of the leaves are bare of spines, but all have tufts." Arthur Kuester.

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13.44 Mamillaria phellosperina 1 10419 [[underlined]] California [[/underlined]], Colorado R. (opposite Parker, Arizona) E.A. Goldman #1993 Feb. 21, '13

13.45 Opuntia 1 destr. 2 [[underlined]] Arizona [[/underlined]], Parker, alt. 400 ft. #2001

13.46 Mamillaria 1 destr. 1 #2000

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13.47 Cereus Wercklei 2 Acc. 10455  [[underlined]] Costa Rica [[/underlined]], San José. O. Jinénez, [[underlined]] sender [[/underlined]] "Volcan Miravalles (Guanacaste) Carlos Villar, coll." Feb., 1913