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3 June 1930 with A.A. Stoyanow

Music Mountain west of Peach Springs, Arizona.

The lower portion of the slope north of the road is granite.

[[margin note to next paragraph:]] Tapeats
Lying on the granite is about     feet of quartzitie sandstones, cross-bedded, usually purple or purple streaked. In other words the usual Cambian basal quartzite.

[[margin note to next paragraph:]] Bright Angel
This grades up into a thin series of typical Bright Angel  shale.  micaceous, brightly colored with perhaps a bit more sandstone layers and perhaps also lime.
[[margin note to next paragraph:]] Muav
This shale grades upwards into Muav limestone which here attains a thickness of 800 - 1000 '.  Compared with the Grand Canyon, the main difference noted, in general, was the true motteling rather than rubbly structure.  The mottles are yellow sandy patches, either in the form of [[underlined]] Girvanellas [[/underlined]] blotches or worm tubes.  Some of this bed resembles the wormy Eldon Y. B. C. except that the "tubes" (irregular) are yellow and not