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chocolate bar, & cake. Later had icecream & wafer. Reached Barranquilla at 6 pm (5 pm. Colombian time). Dugand not at airport, so went to Hotel El Predo, a very grand and likable place. Tried to get Dugand's brother-in-law, Don Rafael Rousallas, the Mayor, but he was out. His brother called me up later. As no word from Dugand decided to try and get on the Bogota plane in the morning. [[underline]] Thurs. Apr. 13. [[/underline]] Up at 4:00 and at airport about 5:30. Watched the many passengers with several children and [[strikethrough]] bag [[/strikethrough]] much baggage get weighed; plane overloaded so I couldn't get on. Returned to hotel, then to ticket office but they wouldn't give me a reservation till Sat. Later Rousallas phoned & said he would use his influence to get [[end page]] [[start page]] me on tomorrow's plane. Which he did and I changed my ticket at the airways (Avianca) office. Walked around downtown then about the residential section near the hotel. Very beautiful!. Wrote Joyce. [[underline]] Fri. April 14 [[/underline]] Up again at 4 am and this time got on the plane, which left at 6:20. Visibility poor. Solid cloud floor below us but sun bright up here. Plane has 21 seats, 16 occupied Clearing at 8:15, and dense forest to be seen. How perfectly compact the tops of the trees are! Like a mossy mat, the grayer trees suggesting Leucobryum in the moss mat. No sign of Central Cordillera -probably behind the cloud bank. Bare patches of ground becoming frequent. At 8:20 crossed the Magdalena. View reminds me of that early morning at Las [[end page]]