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Vegas [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] in 1926. Note the absence of trails thru this jungle, at least no sign of them. Some land-locked lakes look interesting. 8:40 - Cordillera Orental [[strikethrough]] look [[/strikethrough]] is now very clean & the Central appearing thru the clouds. Don't see Johina. 8:55 - well over the foothills now, which are nearly all bare. Real cold. Crossing steep escarpment and are now on the Bogota plateau; very green, level country. Facatativá below. Heavy rain over city. The above written on plane & copied. Dugand not at airport so took bus to ticket office & phoned him. He did not get my wire [[strikethrough]] about com [[/strikethrough]] sent from the Bar. airport until 9:30 and was out at the plane. He came to the ticket office. Got a room at Hotel Astor (the hotel I stayed at before tho it now occupies the former U.S. Embassy. [[end page]] [[start page]] Took taxi to Cuidad Universtaria, much built up since 1939, and was so greeted by Hernando Garcia and others with the Spanish half-hug and handshakes. Dugand took me home to lunch at [[underlined]] his lovely [[/underlined]] home. Returned to Instituto and worked. As in Caracas, my time is spent about the same way at this Herberium - naming things, checking records, answering questions, etc. Some steel cases, made in Bogota, have recently been installed and in them is the main [[herberium?]] - the named things. In the wooden cases is material to be named or to be mounted. Back to the hotel, where the meal hours are Breakfast 7 - 9 Lunch 12:30 - 2 Tea 4:30 - 7 Dinner 7:30 - 9
Transcription Notes:
Name Dugard or Deegaud probably referring to the same person. Does anyone know who it would be?
Armando Dugand (July 23, 1906 – 1971) was a Colombian botanist, geobotanist and ornithologist.