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[[underlined]] Thurs. April 20 [[/underlined]]
  More rain. Instituto all day.  Called on Mrs. Allen but she wasn't in, so went to next apartment to see Dr. & Mrs. Dunn.  He asked, did I drink, and we started in.  Had dinner with them at a very fine restaurant, then to La CabaƱa. Quite high.  [[underlined]] Wrote Cuati. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Friday, April 21 [[/underlined]]
  Bad hangover but managed to keep going at Herb. Garcia had bought some Palito (a swell brand of aquadevite) a few days before; a couple of shots helped.  On one of his [[interlarding ?]]] [[strikethrough]] cp [[/strikethrough]] cups (the largest) he has written "Vasito killipiana", reserved for me. [[underlined]] Wrote Joyce. [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Hadd [[/strikethrough]] Hard rain at noon. Early to bed.
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[[underlined]] Sat. April 22 [[/underlined]]
  Big lineup at office on [[pain?]] for tickets to tomorrow's bullfight. Police have sidewalk roped off to keep people from horning in at head of line or asking others to get their tickets for them. On return at noon there was no more line, the tickets being sold out. But scalpers approached us and it doesn't seem so very difficult to get seats from them.
  Went down to F.E.A., met Grant, who was going over a recent collection of his with St. John. I named nearly everything for him, at least generically. Then it started to rain and poured & poured way into the evening. I just ran from door to door or cantina to cantina, watching the Sat. pm. crowds and having an occasional beer. Ray Fosberg phoned he would call