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and constantly backing away. Finally 2 more bulls were brought in and all three led away.
  The male [[strikethrough]] fight [[/strikethrough]] toreadors then handelled two bulls pretty well. Conchita took on the fifth one and was wonderful. She stuck in the bandrillas from [[[strikethrough]] horses [[/strikethrough]] horseback, then on foot used the red cloak for some very fancy work. The death stroke was on the second try. And what an ovation! She had to go round & round the [[strikethrough]] hun [[/strikethrough]] ring, hundreds of hats and coats being [[strikethrough]] thro [[/strikethrough]] tossed in. 
  For further details see the letter I wrote Joyce in the evening. In bed by 9.
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Mon. Apr. 24 - Wed. Apr. 26
  These three days have been much the same. Dugand & I are working on the Friana plants steadily.  My legs are so wearing from standing up all day that feel like doing nothing in the evening.  All three nights got to bed by 9.  
Tues. Garcia came in with me and we had some eats at "tea time" downtown. Wed. I called on Mrs. Allen before dinner.  She showed me some fine souvies Paul had got from the Indians. Afternoons at the Instituto we are visited by the many [[strikethrough]] gr [[/strikethrough]] [[quineros?]] in town - Grant, Ewan, Kernan, St. John, Core, & Fosberg.
  Apr. 24 wrote Mrs. H. & Steere
   "   25 " Sneidman
On the 26th came my first letter from Joyce and I glad to see it!