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Fri., May 5.
  Up at 5:30 and off before 6, the boy leading us [[insertion]] N. [[strikethrough]] E [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] up along the R. Apulo a short distance, then quite a way up an arroyo, [[insertion]] (the Quebrada [[Arrnago ?]]). [[/insertion]] Think we got Ormosia apulensis. 
Then swung around to the railroad & worked back to town, getting back about 10:30.  Jaramillo & I took off the dried plants.  The stove I had in Venezuela smokes as bad as ever and we shall not use it any more.  Got 65 numbers & put them in, a job lasting till 4:45.
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Sat. May 6
  Took off dried plants and packed.  Mrs. Dugand & the boys left for Bogota at 9, and we left in the opposite direction at 11:55. Reached Pubenza at 12:45.  This is a tiny town but with quite a few people about on Saturday.  Jaramillo found out his brother had been called to Bogota by sickness, so had the car we were expecting. In about 1/2 an hour horses were ready for us, and we rode the ± 2 mi. to the Hacienda Cucharo, on the road back toward Tocaima. A mulecart was sent for our [[strikethrough]] [[farg p ?]] [[/strikethrough]] baggage but it did not get back to the Hacienda till about 5. We collected 2 or 3 numbers along the road. Rigged up the stove but found the plants collected yesterday