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are spoiling.  We have no extra driers but quite a lot of papers, which we inserted.
  This is a swell ranch, more than 5000 acres - mainly cattle.  Many rancheros & cowboys.  A roomy house, the help very nice to us.

Sun. May 7.
  One of those very enjoyable days that come 2 or 3 times on a trip (Like Guaiquima on Apr. 13 last year). Up about 6 after a night of raining which seemed exceptionally hard because of the noise made by the water running off roofs into collecting barrels.  Breakfast was grapefruit, steak & potatoes, & chocolate. Then we hiked up a [[quebrada?]], usually dry but with quite a stream
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flowing as a result of the night's storm. Collecting was very good and got 50 numbers, the best being Amaria petiolota; Capparis securidaca; a Sapindaceous tree, with leaves crowded near the top and large [[raceumre?]] of white flowers; an [[Apoc.?]] near [[Ambelarium?]], with much latex (perhaps a good rubber source).  3 or 4 things we couldn't guess as to family.  It began to rain rather hard but soon we got used to it and to sloshing thru the stream and soft mud. Back about 1, and without changing clothes ate up the swell lunch of grapefruit, chicken, rice & noodles, a sweet, & coffee. Then [[strikethrough]] changed [[/strikethrough]] took off press, changed driers on