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[[preprinted]] 108 [[/preprinted]]
[[written vertically in red in margin]] Kroonland [[/margin]]
deficiency caused by Taylor only paying $4.00 instead of $9.00.  he traveling with Mrs. T. and grown daughter.
Spent most of moring arranging tips for stewards etc.
Paid $12 to second steward
$15 to next
$10 etc etc
then the roomsteward, bath steward, stewardess, deck stew. etc. etc.  Beautiful arrival in Dover.  nice warm sunny weather.  met [[underlined]] English fleet of grim warships painted gray maneuvering. What a waste of money & energy! [[/underlined]] Little tender
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 109 [[/preprinted]]
[[vertical red line in left margin]]
took us aboard.  [[Documents?]] etc. examined.  Admired the fine businesslike appearance of the men custom house & laborers.  A cheerful polite but resigned lot.  Such kind of work in the states is left to the worst of the bunch say Irishmen, Negroes etc. while here the fine fellows have little chance.  Hemmed in by lack of opportunities.  Hot ride in little train thru green fields and green landscape.  Arrived [[London?]] about 6 P.M. Baggage put in van.  We drove to Russell ^[[insertion]] Hotel [[/insertion]].  Woodcock was waiting for us.  So was Loeb.  Showed us our suite of rooms by a lot of over obsequious, smiling & starched flunkeys.  Charges are 37/6 [[underline]] [[superscript]] d [[/superscript]] [[/underline]] per day.  why that [[underlined]] 6 [[/underline]] [[superscript]] d [[/superscript]]?