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Poissons de Pittsburg
1. Missouri Sucker - N.G. Diff Catorto 
[[noir?]] par 2. Nag. dorsa bouche ronde au bout du Museau. Leptostoma [[strikethrough]] [[puscol?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[nigre?]]
Long 2 pieds, diametre, Ventre blanche
bouche [[vituaslis?]], Queue fourchue
[[Vent au point?]] - rare, [[chir tibur?]] à un
2. Anguilla. - Noir dessus jaune dessous
Ventre gris - A. [[xantpiper?]]
3. Trout - 40 miles de Pittsb. dans les fontaines de l'Allighenny
4. Dinectus - rare
5. Megarhinus paraxdoxus - 
6. Lamprey - 8 inches long at [[utmost?]]
7. Silinus - toutes les [[?]] de l'Ohio -
8. Buffaloe - even in Winter
9. Lepistosteus - thought poisonous tho' good to eat when skinned
10. Esox vittatus.
11 Acipenser platirhynchus
12 Perra salmonia - in feby, March
13 Carp
Mr Bullman Pittsburg
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
From New London to Newhaven 1815.
Head River -  5 Miles
Lime -  1 1/2     6 1/2
Ferry Connect'.      16
[[strikethrough]] Saybrook [[/strikethrough]]    0
River -              17
Saybrook             19
Killingsworth_       27
Guilford ______      37
Brandford -          43
East haven           48
Newhaven             52
Brooklyn to Newbedford    3 m
Jamaica --                9
Little Hempstead          4
1817. Hempst C.   House   4
to Jericho -              9
Norwich -                 6
Oysterbay - [[underline]] 3 [[/underline]]
                         38 m

Transcription Notes:
Text on second page appears to be originally written in pencil and then gone over in pen.