Viewing page 6 of 78

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Alby to Gibsonville or Washington - 6 m
---- to Troy -                      1
---- to Lansingburg (Diam Rock)     3
---- to Waterford -                 1
Cohoes bridge 1 1/4. Cohoes falls 3/4-- 

[[a short pencil line divides the page]]
L'herminier Natur. Charleston
Mr Warrel Richmond owner of the Virgina Museum -

[[a curved pencil line divides the page]]
[[2 ink sketches of a Polyp Megalisma maculate, one showing a cross-section view]] 
Megalisma maculata
Bank de Terre Neuve
Diam. 6p. globuleux ovale, non flottant, aff. Megastoma -- 
Brun à tâches noires glabre comme ci cartilage
bouche en grande fente de Coquille, inter
ovide tout externe, plupart ondulé 
Mobile roulant, contractible, déprimait à 
l'[[ham---?]]  --.
Stevenson Mills 2 m W. Bedford
in Oct. 1818 passed
going West    4419 Souls.
      East    2979 Do- 
[[end page]]
[[/start page]]
Cohoes falls
[[pencil image of an aquatic fan-shaped plant]]
Fauve rouss^[[˜]]
Infundi tulipe
Ondulé bande
roulis déchirés

[[a short pencil line divides the page]]

2 Phorima lutescens
[[pencil sketch of an oval-shaped aquatic plant resembling a sponge with a small dark oval shape to its right]]
[[pencil sketch beneath the first, showing concentric circles descending into the center of the plant]]
[[Paras Arb-morte?]]

[[a short pencil line divides the page]]
Jaune, roussi, dessus
plus foncé dessus
Presque [[bai?]] jaune
marg. dessus ditto

[[a curved pencil line divides the page]]
un peu zone concentrique dessus conv.
fil et dessus

Transcription Notes:
Second page rough species descriptions in pencil in French - not easy.'Herminier Rafinesque seems to use a shorthand: for instance "rouss^[[˜]]" for "roussâtre" meaning "reddish"