Viewing page 7 of 78

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1. Aphis Enger philad [[superscript, underlined]] i [[/superscript, underlined]]... Verd, obl. [[obov?]]
antennas plus courts que le corps - 2 L
2. Aphis hierac. [[Venosum?]] - 2 l. dt. obov - trunqué antͬ tête brunâtre, corpalet fauve
Abdomen brunâtre - pieds brun à base
blanche, Ant [[epr--? ans?]] long. brunnes
3. Aphis [[Silon?]]  - Verd dans
à 2 bandes longit. sur le dos plus
d'aires, antennas pl. courtes la
Corps - append à très courts presque nuls
surtout l'intérieur. corps
obov. tronqué antͬ aigu part- 
ting 1 1/2 L.
4. Aphis Compan. virgata -
2 L. obov, rouge de brique, ant & pieds brun
roug^[[˜]] ant. pl courtes append. courts
[[Eunycephas?]] N l p Raf
Trilobite Park aff [[l p v3t17 fig 11?]]
[[pencil and ink sketch of a butterfly wing? with an annotation pointing at one circular section]] eyes [[/sketch and annotation]]
[[a second sketch showing a close-up view of a circular section, with annotation]] eye [[/sketch and annotation]] 
NG --
Echinus glandaria
3 + 4 f. 11, [[Petuf. olivef?]]
piquants d'Oursins

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

3 Coluber torquates L Ventre orang. gorge
blanche collier doré dos roussâtre
Lake George -- 12 inches

[[short pencil line divides the page]]
4 [[Greenbark?]]
[[pencil sketch of the underside of a mushroom]] 
Tout même Stipe solide
pende à lisse pleine, lames
3 longe separees à [[lins?]] base Tulipe

[[short pencil line divides the page]]
[[pencil sketch of vase-shaped mushroom]] 
5. Agaricus concorus
Entt. roux jaune fauve 
Stipe solide egal en long 
[[Peride ob comqui?]] concave
lames [[decurr.?]] de 2 long

[[short pencil line divides the page]]
[[Carpepius?]] ou Pentastoma) V. 2 1 13./ 36. 37
[[Parkins?]] Org rem. Asterias or Encrinus
from American pag 235 - Dr Woodhouse
Kentucky, [[Mitshell?]] (Dr Mitchell [[Sper?]]

Transcription Notes:
"Coluber" could refer to a type of snake. "Entt." may be shorthand for "en tout"