Viewing page 19 of 78

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American Monthly Magaz -
Z. Collins
Revd Haines 1
Stephen Elliot
Ch. Whitlow [[sa 7?]].

[[image - pencil sketch of map showing area near Bedford, Pennsylvania, with annotations]] Shovers run, Iron Sp, Sulph Spring of Bedford, Cove Mt., Bedford, Jumiata [[/sketch of map and annotations]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Flora Ludoviciana

Dr. Bigelow 5 Copies
Dr Sulliman 1 Cop
Steph Elliot. 1
Harmony - 1
Lyceum - 11. [[strikethrough]] [[Ten Knox?]]  [[/strikethrough]] 3 Curat
Clifford 3

[[a short ink line divides the page]]

Steph. Elliot       Chart - Avril
30 plantes -              Hezekiah Hine
12 Cop. Fr Ind - $12        Newhaven
2  Sets Mag - 10            Do [[Ditto for: Newhaven]]
2  Itt - Sic  50  $10       Do [[Ditto for: Newhaven]]
2. Cor N G     1    2       Do [[Ditto for: Newhaven]]
                   8 fl bud?      8
2. Pa. [[fond Som?]]
              40 = [[strikethrough]] 75 [[/strikethrough]] 80
2  Disc Som   40 = [[strikethrough]] 80 [[/strikethrough]] 80
2. Stat Sic   25 = [[strikethrough]] 60 [[/strikethrough]] 50
 $ [[strikethrough]] 27.40 [[/strikethrough]]